Gweneth Hall

Affectionally known as Gwen
Sunrise: Saturday, October 6, 1934
Sunset: Saturday, January 27, 2024
Burial: Thursday, February 15, 2024

Retired Seamstress and Vendor (Palmetto Mall)
Age 89 late of Reed Street, St. Michael.
Mother of John, Joan, Jeffrey, Jacqueline, Trevor (Carwash)& the late Marlene and Winston Hall
Grandmother of Erica, Christina, Latoya, Rosanne, Kishmar, Shernelle, Damian, Rhuel, Joanne, Nalo, Sha, Joshua, Winston jr, and the late Sherry, Ferrial and Jatobi.
Great Grandmother of Lamar, Raquon and 9 others
Sister of the late Ralph Hall
Aunt of Vicky Hall-Perkins
Cousin of Jennifer, Donna and others too numerous to mention
Friend of Evadney, Rawle, Melicia Liverpool , Spanner, Leroy, the Ashby, Gill and Agard families and others too numerous to mention.

The Thanksgiving service for the life of GWENETH ALETHEA HALL will take place on Thursday February 15th ,2024 at The James Street Methodist Church St. Michael where relatives and friends are asked to meet at 2pm followed by the interment to the Westbury Cemetery. The organist is asked to attend. Floral arrangements can be sent to Two Sons Funeral Home no later than 10am on said Thursday.

Viewing of the body will take place one hour before the start of the funeral.

Live streaming link Hall

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