Former Captain of UWI Blackbirds and player at Veendem,
Youngstrikers FC and Flames teams (St.Maarten)
Cherish Son of Vicki Weekes
Fiancé of Tiffany Martin
Beloved Brother of Sabrina and Renee Weekes, Leihlani Jones.
Uncle of Rhema Weekes.
Brother-in-law of Dwaine Parris.
Nephew of Evangeline, Arlene, Susan, Linda, Alvin, Dave, Jonathan and Jerry.
Godson of Wilma Gill, Oswald Clarke, Kenneth Williams & Carlos Layne
Godfather of Samir Best
Cousin of Nicole, Creig, Kamau and many others.
Friend of Jio, Ramon, Travy, Shari, Tayla, Devonish, Ayana and many others
Relatives of The Weekes, Greenidge and Ashby families.
A memorial service for the life of SHANE RICARDO WEEKES will take place on Friday February 28 th 2025 at The
People’s Cathedral Church at 10am where relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend.
By special request, NO MOURNING COLORS or FLOWERS.
Livestreaming link